Video editing

We edit and design your very own video

With professional film editing, personal and detailed customer interviews, photos and music, even your private film recordings become creative, individual and above all very personal memory films. Let also your private videos cut and edit, because so you get a unique, creative and really entertaining and exciting film!

Because shortened, watching private videos is much more fun than the long version with many hours of filmed memories from analog material, such as Super8, VHS, Video8, Hi8, MiniDV or the many hundreds of short clips filmed with digital cameras, cell phones or cameras.

Develop an excellent video concept

For me personally, a goodVideo concept that goals, target group and channels are combined and united in a seamlessly thought-out idea. In this way, in the age of content overload, your videos will succeed inoptimally in scene and to place them with success.

From theCreation, about theRough concept up to theDetailed planning andImplementation you get everything from a single source. All media and channels have their own peculiarities and the content will only have an effect if you design it accordingly.

Visual and auditory in harmony

We not only ask the question of how and what, but also when and where. With our concepts andStoryboards we bring our entire knowledge from development, production and distribution to bear.Precise cuts,spot-on dubbing anddetailed color corrections - combined with camera and post production if required! We combine everything under one roof. This makes us fast, efficient and unrivaled flexible.

Smooth production requiresGood planning. All concepts are already tested at an early stage fortechnical feasibility tested and prepared for channel-specific distribution according to customer specifications.

Film editing and vidocompositons The very personal gift

Do you know it? Countless old film reels and cassettes that have been stored in boxes, closets or archives for years. Set up the screen and projector, darken the room, maybe even look for the glue press. The whole thing is easier:Insert -Press play -Enjoy memories.

And not so rarely a film editing or video compositing is aideal gift for many occasions. Think Christmas, wedding parties, family celebrations or a round birthday.It does not get more personal than this!

Video editing service package

Service overview and prices

Leistungen> 30 min. raw material> 45 min. raw material> 60 min. raw material

Video editing

Opening credits with font overlay

Background music

Image stabilization

Image optimization

Integration of effects and professional transitions

Removal of shooting errors (sky or feet because camera was not turned off).

Reduction of camera shake

Sound optimization

Background music

Image and sound correction from original sound

specially made 3D opening credits with font overlay

Integration of private photos

Integration of effects and professional transitions



249,50 €

Please calculate 5 plus 6.