Digital photo restoration

Concrete strategies for preserving your recordings

The digitization of a wide variety of source formats is an essential core of what we do. The transfer of analog and digital content intocurrent technical standards is both exciting and challenging, and trusting interaction with the customer is essential.

No matter ifhistorical film treasures, analog recordings or tapes with unique recordings, all formats are entitled to the right of aFuse or publication. We bring youranalog treasures into thedigital world, because our goal is to surprise with a result that is better than expected.

Careful preparation - protection of the material

Theoriginal appearance of a film is only possible if there is a close exchange with the customer. The goal is the effective use of suitableRestoration Tools under the greatest possibleAvoidance of digital artifacts.

Depending on the condition of the material, digital restoration requires almost no limitsset. Together with the customer, the approach is already weighed up in advance with regard to technical, scientific and economic possibilities, in order to achieve amaximum authenticity to achieve.

Perfection - Digital Surgery

We pay attention to the smallest details and our implementation is resolution-independent on the most suitable systems according to the requirements.

ThroughKnowledge transfers andNetworking between regional players and experts, we haveinnovative methods toPreservation andRestoration developed from photos.

Every other project for our customers isa new stage on our path of constant perfection.

Creative process - wide range of design possibilities

Thedigital photo restoration covers the spectrum fromSubstance- andColor examinations viaDigitization concepts to digital restoration interventions.

Our team looks back on many years of experience, which is indispensable for a successful result. During a project take placeregular votes with our customers. WithPassion we fulfill yourWishes, no matter how you challenge us.

Service package

Service overview and prices

LeistungenCoil in cmTime in minutesPrice

Super / Normal 8 mm films

high resolution HD film scanning with 1920x1080 pixels

Use of professional telecin equipment

Automatic and manual color and brightness correction

Dry cleaning


MPEG4 movie files for PC, Blu-ray player or DVD movie with navigation menu incl. movie title


Film roll

25,00 €

Film roll

55,00 €

Film roll

95,00 €

Film roll

Price on demand

Please add 8 and 9.