Those who think analog will never understand the benefits of digitization
Digitization has long since found its way into our private lives and continues to develop almost across the board and at ever shorter, temporal intervals in many areas of our everyday lives. The digitalization of all areas of life and work is taking its toll and at the same time creating unimagined opportunities.
The combination of digital image capture, further processing and image output opens up creative as well as economic usage possibilities. Digital image processing creates the necessary information to read photos, illustrations and images into the computer in a high-quality manner, to process them purposefully and skillfully and to output them perfectly again.
Digitization here simply describes converting analog information into digital formats by means of information technology. In general, this means that processes, events and objects are changed and simplified.
Normal 8 and Super 8 mm films are two very similar film formats. The main difference lies mainly in the use of the film surface. The newer Super 8 format uses the film surface more efficiently due to the optimized perforation, i.e. the positioning of the holes on the side.
Regardless of their technical characteristics, the formats share the goal of capturing unforgettable moments and emotions - memories that are destined for eternity through appropriate digitization measures.The lifespan of both formats is limited - we help you with digitization.
As with all other analog media, the life of VHS or similar formats is limited. Do you want to keep your memories? Then it makes more than sense to have your VHS tapes digitized.
In terms of VHS, we can actually digitize almost anything: VHS, S-VHS, VHS-C as well as S-VHS-C. VHS. We always digitize cassettes in themaximum resolution. That means in a resolution that corresponds to the display performance of the VHS magnetic tape. As a rule, we do not need more than two weeks until you get your treasures back.
With our concepts and storyboards, we bring our entire knowledge of development, production and distribution to your project. Precise cuts, spot-on dubbing and detailed color correction, combined with camera and post-production if required, create an unforgettable result.
From the creation, to the rough concept, to the detailed planning and implementation, you get everything from a single source. A video compositon is an ideal gift for many occasions. Think of Christmas, wedding parties, family celebrations or a round birthday. It does not get more personal than this!