Time of Emperor Wilhelm II.
A decade with many cutbacks, but at the turn of the century also associated with an unmistakable spirit of optimism. Right at the beginning in 1900, the German Civil Code (BGB) came into force in the German Empire. The Spanish painter Pablo Picasso painted the first pictures of the Blue Period in 1901.Shortly thereafter in 1903, the Wright brothers took off in the Wright Flyer for the first piloted powered flight.
The Maggi company launches the stock cube in 1908, and the Kaffee Hag brand is also entered in the German trademark register. The decade ends with the swearing-in of William Howard Taft as the 27th U.S. president. He succeeds the successful term of office of Theodore Roosevelt.
On the road from agriculture to industrialization
In the past, people in agriculture determined their daily work in the unit of acres. How many acres a farmer could create in a day depended on the draft power of the animals available. Take a look at the magnificent specimen of a horse in our before-and-after comparison.
Here the world still seemed all right
In this picture you can see three professional soldiers - a commander, a first lieutenant and a medic. The relaxed look on the men's faces was to vanish into thin air a few years later.